Adventskalender hängs in the Küche.
From the Backofen come greatfull Gerüche.
Zimtstar, Gingerbread, Vanillakipferl, Spraygebäck:
I eat so schnell, i am fast verreck.
The first Geschenke verstecking in the bedside table,
for Kevin, Chantalle and auch the Mable.
The Cola-Truck is rolling on TV,
i saw him so und think me: „Wow!“
Glühwine, Punsch and auch Lumumba,
give our Body quickly Zunder.
And in the morning very früh,
is cold on Arsch, Mon Cherie.
We kratzing our Windschutzscheibe,
i am zittering than on my Leibe.
Its cold and dark now im Dezember,
soon Christmas-Time, Huch, I remember.
In some Tagen the snow kommt down,
I say you honest: I krieg the Graun.
But Christmas-Time without this Rotz,
is no Christmas-Time, also if i motz.
The Tannebaum stand already at the Händler,
i see me wenn ich to him schlender.
And hear me say: „But not so teuer,
and not so nen great big Ungeheuer.
My Wohnung is now nich so large,
is the tree zu groß, i am am Arsch.“
Turkey, Ente, Hirschragout,
gehört to Celebration auch dazu.
And Wham is singing: „Last Christmas, i give you mein Heart“,
that Ding have echt soooooooooon longen Bart.
I krieg the Krise when i her the song,
the Number is so crazy long.
But i want not länger gripe:
This is halt our Weihnachtszeit.
I wish you all a cool Advent:
That the time to Christmas anyway so rennt.
Fertsch ^^